The Hound of the Baskervilles — A Study Guide

10 November 2013
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Why did Conan Doyle feel so ambivalent about the famous detective he created?

Why do many critics regard this text as the first modern detective story?

This is a detailed, lively study guide on Sherlock Holmes’s most notorious case. It contains a detailed explanation of the contexts of the novella: how and why it came to be written, and the ways in which it invented the concept of the modern detective. In contrast to many other study guides, it encourages the reader to develop his or her own personal response. It does this by including detailed analysis of key passages from the book, together with important discussion points. It is written by an experienced English teacher who understands the concepts, facts and literary techniques that students need to learn about. It could be useful for teachers as well, particularly the second section which focuses upon textual analysis and generating a personal response from students.

To sum up, this study guide is useful in the following ways:

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