Why and how should we encourage young people to research their local parks and green spaces?

21 March 2024
Academic articles

Abstract or Description

Our parks have a problem with young people. While our parks cater for children aged 0-8 years with playgrounds, they too frequently make older children feel unwelcome and unwanted, particularly young people from poorer backgrounds. This is because young people struggle to find their own spaces and activities in them, and often feel they are unfairly blamed for things like anti-social behaviour (Aalst & Brands: 2021: Brown 2013). The privatisation of park spaces has led to them feeling victimised by various authorities (such as security guards, park wardens and the police) and excluded from parks, even though parks are one of the few places they can come together in groups. While small minorities, such as skateboarders, might be provided for in terms of activities, the majority of young people have few activities open to them, and little power to say what they want from their parks (Brown 2013).
So what can be done?


Gilbert, Francis. 2022. Why and how should we encourage young people to research their local parks and green spaces? Centre for Language, Culture and Learning Blog, [Article]

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Official URL: https://sites.gold.ac.uk/clcl-blog/why-and-how-sho…


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